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Fascia bamboo massage Restoring the flow of energy


With its hard interior and smooth surface, bamboo is a wood with remarkable properties and, as such, is the ideal combination for reaching the deep connective tissue, or fascia, and encouraging blood circulation.

Using bamboo sticks, our trained massage therapists perform a variety of gentle rolling, kneading, tapping and stroking movements to help loosen the connective tissue surrounding your muscles. This increases the flow of blood to the fascia, improves the body’s mobility, eases pain and relieves tension.

Objectives of fascia bamboo massage

Not only does the bamboo massage induce deep relaxation, it also helps restore the body’s energy flow. In addition, this massage technique encourages the drainage of lymph fluid.

Application of fascia bamboo massage

Owing to the versatility of the massage movements possible with bamboo sticks, the lymphatic flow can be stimulated and relief provided for the following ailments:

  • Tense muscles
  • Back, neck and shoulder pain
  • Hardened connective tissue
  • Vascular disorders
  • Stress
  • Heavy legs
  • Physical stiffness

At the HEART wellness lounge, we offer two different bamboo massages. Depending on your individual needs, your treatment can focus either on the legs and back or just on the legs. Therefore, when booking your fascia bamboo massage, please select the desired treatment option.

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